Meet Alyssa

I’m sure by now you know that SkinFusion started out as a family venture. Both my mom (Lisa) and my middle sister (Natalie) are nurses and we all went to our initial certification class together over three years and a half years ago. If you ever see Natalie, ask her about dropping the syringe of filler while it was hanging out of my lip! Both Mom and Nat still work full-time in their nursing jobs, so haven’t been able to join me fully (insert sad face), but Mom does help with some admin work and Natalie has a limited schedule injecting Botox, providing DiamondGlow, and chemical peels).

Then there’s Alyssa. Alyssa is the baby of the family. Being 13 years younger than me, we didn’t have much time together growing up, I was off to college by the time she was five. One of my biggest memories of her when she was little is her running around the wrestling meets and coming down to pound on the mat with us cheerleaders. One time, she got the tip of her finger cut off in a heavy gym door (don’t worry, it’s reattached with only some mild fingernail disfigurement).

Alyssa grew up and went off to Grandview College, majoring in Health Promotion. She was fantastic at her job as the Wellness Director at Park Centre retirement community. She has a passion for helping others and keeping them active and healthy. During the pandemic, she and her partner at work made nationals news because of their engagement with the residents! We might have to re-share that video someday.

Alyssa’s husband is a sprint car driver (he’s really good, too!), and travels a lot now. She wanted the opportunity to travel with him but still have a career. Luckily for us both, I was ready to make SkinFusion FX a full-time gig and asked her to join me!

Alyssa is now our Guest Experience Manager. She is the bubbly, energetic face you see first most days when you walk into SkinFusion FX. She has been trained in all things SkinMedica (we love attending seminars together, it’s always entertaining) and can answer your product questions and make recommendations. She’s smart as heck and super creative! In addition to helping with scheduling and triaging phone calls, she also does the vast majority of our social media posts (you can definitely tell when she’s off and I’m trying to do it myself). Alyssa also has a passion for planning events and activities, so stay tuned for all our upcoming festivities this fall!

I have been so blessed to be able to work alongside Alyssa. We have learned lots more about each other that we ever knew in spite of being sisters. I’m not allowed to eat crunchy things before 10:00 a.m.; and she needs to drink her coffee BEFORE she gets to work to prepare for my inner morning person. In our six months of business together, we’ve only had one fight (and I’m sure it was the hormones, as she and Austin are expecting their first baby). I know Alyssa will continue to grow in her role, and may just take over the clinic someday! Stop in to see her and watch her baby bump grow over the next several months!


A Little bit of fate


An Amazing Six Months