AviClear - An Acne Treatment Revolution

Last year, a sales rep from Cutera stopped into the clinic to inform me about one of their body contouring devices. Already having our Indiba device, I advised him that I wasn’t interested in anything similar but we began discussing the services we offer at SkinFusion in general. I explained to him that my real passion is skin rejuvenation and helping others feel confident with their complexion. He mentioned a new device coming to the market called AviClear and felt this may be something of interest to me. After he left, I researched the device and knew this was something I eventually wanted to bring to our clients.

While we don’t offer medical dermatology services, we are very much a cosmetic dermatology clinic and see many clients seeking solutions for acne. I hear over and over again about teenagers, young adults, and even middle-aged adults that have struggled for years with their complexions; have tried multiple topical over-the-counter and prescription medications; and have taken oral prescription medications including contraceptives, antibiotics, and the much-more-aggressive Accutane (isotretinoin) accompanied by extensive lab monitoring and significant and uncomfortable side effects.

Acne can be devastating both physically, socially, and psychologically. Even the mildest of acne can affect self-esteem, and more moderate to severe acne can lead to a lifetime of physical and emotional scarring. As a parent myself, I understand wanting to find the best solution for my teenage son that is effective, lasting, and without harmful side effects. I have always practiced a less-is-more philosophy when it comes to prescribing medications, as I have seen the effects of poly-pharmacy on health throughout my oncology career. AviClear is the breakthrough we have been waiting for!

Acne occurs when oil produced within our skin combines with dead skin cells and clogs our pores. This triggers an inflammatory response leading to inflammation, pimples, pustules, and even nodules and cysts. Acne bacteria our our skin further contributes to the problem. The AviClear laser works by selectively targeting the oil glands in the skin (while sparing the other tissue structures) and suppressing them to treat acne at its very source.

AviClear is fast. The treatment itself takes about 30 minutes per session, and is delivered in three total sessions spaced out about a month apart. We treated seven people in our first week with the device, and were able to deliver all treatments over 30-35 minutes.

AviClear is safe. The part of the laser that has contact with the skin has a built-in cooling mechanism that cools the surface of the skin while the pulse is delivered, protecting the skin from the heat, and also providing comfort. No unexpected of serious post-treatment effects occurred during clinical studies. All of our first patients this week reported no residual redness the following day, and actually reported their skin was glowy and softer than usual.

AviClear is effective. Results become apparent over the next few months following treatment, with 87% of patients seeing at least half of their acne resolving by six months, and continued improvement beyond. We will take before pictures, including a Visia skin analysis, at the start of your treatment; as well as with each session, and will continue to monitor following completion of your series. We can’t wait to share the results we are getting with everyone!

If you or someone you know struggles with acne, please schedule your complimentary consultation with me. I would love to help you feel confident with clear skin! During your consultation, we will discuss how the treatment works, pre and post treatment care (I will provide you with some gentle products to use), answer all your questions, and assist with financing options (if desired) for your treatment series.

The future of acne is clear! :)


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