Curious About a Consult?

Blog Post

The medical esthetics industry is already huge and growing rapidly. MedSpas are popping up left and right. People want to feel good about the way they look. The pandemic caused us to focus even more on our appearances, because we found ourselves digitally face-to-face with anyone from our colleagues, customers, and clients to our friends and family. I don’t know about you, but the first thing I see when I jump on a zoom meeting is that jowly area around my mouth. The lighting is always terrible, further deepening even the finest of lines with dark shadows. I find myself fixating on what I want to improve on my face, rather than whatever my actual zoom call is about! I can’t be the only one!

The thought of visiting me (or any medical esthetics provider) about your own skin concerns has maybe crossed your mind, but you have reservations. You don’t want to look phony or frozen. You don’t want your husband or wife (or anyone else) to know. You should be spending your money on something more important (self care IS important). There are so many options and you don’t even know where to start. I know the first time I went to a MedSpa for my first Botox treatment (at age 37), I was intimidated by the perfect-appearing women in the lobby, as well as the providers, because I thought of myself as an average low maintenance Iowa gal (by the way, these are my absolute favorite type of clients). I had ALL those same concerns.

So let me tell you about my consultation process! First of all, it’s all about you! I want to know what your favorite feature about your face is. That’s key! If you love it about yourself, I imagine that lots of other people love it too! It gives you confidence and I very much want to preserve and enhance that! But what draws your attention away from that feature? Do you have beautiful teeth but you are hyper focused on the lines creeping in around your lips? Beautiful brown bedroom eyes but dark circles and crepey under eye bags? Gorgeous cheek bone projection but acne scarring or sun damage? Now we are getting somewhere!

Once we determine your concerns to focus on, I want you to prioritize them. Rome wasn’t built in a day (is that a quote? Did I get the city right?) I will then build a treatment plan customized just for you, as well as an alternative plan. There are more than one way to skin a cat (I’m on a roll, but honestly, why do people skin cats??)! I will offer you my opinion based on the products I carry and find to be effective, as well as the services and technology I have to offer. I love to choose the products and services that will best address the majority (or all) of your concerns together, but also want to be mindful of your budget (that’s where the alternative plan comes in, it just may take more time to get to the goal).

I promise you, my baseline recommendation is going to be an effective skincare regimen. It’s absolutely amazing how much change the skin will undergo with just a good home regimen. You can give me money all day long to do every kind of procedure I offer, but if you aren’t caring for it at home, you’re missing a huge opportunity to get the most bang for your buck and best results from all your services. Plus, you spent your hard-earned money (unless you earned it easy with feet pics on Only Fans…but still) on correcting damage and you want to maintain those results! I also consider what type of routine you gravitate towards. Are you a minimalist-basics-only (cleanse, correct, hydrate, protect) busy and exhausted sports mama who can barely get the teeth brushed before bed; or are you the gimme-all-the-eye-creams-neck-creams-and-whatever-else-you-got bougie babe? I go back and forth between the two, and that’s fine too! I would rather you start basic and develop good habits, then add as needed.

When considering services, I will factor in any medical conditions, etc that could adversely affect your outcome (hence that obnoxious medical history form I kindly ask you to complete); how committed you are to a pre and post skincare regimen (i.e. will you be faithful with your SPF, pigment correcting serum, etc); how much downtime is associated with any particular procedure (sometimes zero, sometimes a few days) and what your work life, social life, and daily routine look like; tolerance for discomfort (if my mama can handle it, you can handle it); and, of course, your budget.

As always, consultations are complimentary. I book them for a full hour. We can do them virtually, but it is ever so helpful if I can see your skin in person, as well as the dynamic motion of your facial muscles. I never want you to feel obligated to do something you aren’t ready for, so I focus on educating you and answering all of your questions. I also attempt to provide samples as able, because there is nothing I hate more than buying full-sized skincare products (particularly when medical grade products are more if an investment), and don’t love them. However, I do firmly believe you will love our products!

I hope this has provided you some good insight into my philosophy and how I operate. My goal is not to change your appearance (especially those beautiful features you just told me you love), but rather to enhance what you’ve got! Be sure to check out all the before and after photos we share on our social media platforms; we love showing off what we are capable of. Oh, and one more thing…our lips are sealed, your significant others will never know what we did, but we can’t guarantee they won’t comment about how amazing you’re looking! 😘


I Got it From My Mama


The Other Lady Parts